Your Body Coach Fitness learners pathway will be jointly created between yourself (the learner) and the academy. To ensure your individual learners plan meets your individual learning needs and goals. You will be able to choose from a selection of bespoke courses and master classes in all 3 stages of the learners path (below) for your "perfect -The sciences learners journey ".All learners path's will be different and the choice of innovative interactive courses at each stage of the learners path will ensure you are able to really achieve ultimate success in your learning and career goal pursuits .Follow the Body Coach Fitness Global Education -The Sciences learners path to ultimate success in your field of study/work.
Three Stage Learners Path
Stage 1
1)The Science Of Life Course
The science of life online course explores biochemistry and bioenergy and health. Biochemistry brings together the study of chemical and physical processes that occur in living organisms. "The science of life". This online course will introduce you to the basics of biochemistry ,biology and bio energy of the health ,bringing science to life.
2)The Science Of Learning Course
Discover the science of learning and how it applies to the classroom. What is learning? & How does it Work?
Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology you will learn how to interpret how you learn ,eg -the engagement of learning, consolidation of learning and the science of learning.
3)Understanding The Human Body Course
Explore the human body in this online course and identify the basic components that make up cells ,tissues and organisms within the body and their function. Find out about key bodily processes such as homeostasis and protein synthesis and much more. An outline of how the body systems work in real life.
4)Understanding Evolution Course
Learn key concepts in biological evolution .This online course starts with genetics and inheritence and variation, how natural selection and adaption lead to speciation followed by macro evolution and geological time, ending with human evolution. You will also learn how evolution happens and how new species come about.
5) Mathematics Knowledge -Understanding The Numbers Course
Learn how numbers really work by understanding underlying structures of every day maths with this online
course .Find out about fascinating connections and patterns in mathematical structures and how simple
numbers work.
6) Astronomy & Space Physics Course
Our world is driven by science and technology and STEM is becoming of focus in mainstream education. On
this online course you will learn & improve your knowledge in physics and space science .Science is a core
subject taught in schools and colleges across the globe and physics and astronomy and space physics are a
core part of this. An ideal introduction to this subject area.
7)Explore Our Oceans Course
Explore all about the half of the planet covered by the deep ocean and discover how our lives impact the ocean depths and marine life. Discover how our every day lives are connected to the ocean depths and learn all about the challenges and opportunities that this hidden realm brings to us. An ideal introductory
online course in exploring the ocean depths.
8)The Block Chain System Course
In thsi online course you will learn all about how the block chain authenticates transactions & distributes
data to peers through nodes connected to the network. This online course will show how multiple versions
of a blockchain are reconciled into one & discusses limitations and delves into organisational applications
of block chain technology.An ideal introductory course in this subject.
9)The Science Of Stem Cells Course
What promise do stem cells hold for the treatment of medical conditions? In this five part online course you
will explore the history of basic biology of stem cells ,learn all about research techniques and find out how
stem cells could lead to cures for diseases and to individualised medicine.Learn what has been completed
and what challenges remain and lie ahead in this online course.
10)Biology & Cell Division Course
This online biology course covers cell division and replication and explains these complex processes in a
lot of detail .We will go over mitosis and meiosis & lay out the phases that occur in each of these processes
We trace the early stages of development of ebryonic cells and describe their role in generating all of the bodies cell types. This course will take you on a tour of your own body and the building blocks of life.
Stage 2
1)The Science Of Medicine Course
Learn about the science of key medicines used to manage key disorders such as heart disease ,diabetes, depression and cancer .Delve into the science of medicine and medical chemistry and how it works in the body and a grounding in the science of medicine.
2)Engineering Science For The Future Course
Engineering has played an innovative role in the advancement of our society and planet. In this online course you will get an introduction into the study of the science of engineering , and how the disciplines of maths, physics ,biology ,computing and engineering work together to produce cutting edge projects.
3)Conceptual Approach To Neuroscience Course
Explore the relationship between neuroscience and education and what brain technology looks like in the 21st century. Plus the relationship between neuroscience and leadership .An online course discovering neural approaches that promote achievement and wellness.
4) Understanding Biological Energy Course
Get in introduction to energy and explore how humans and living things obtain and use their biological energy sources .On this online course you will learn what energy actually is and how living things acquire and convert it. You will discover the concept of energy overload and how it is threatening our bodies energy balance today. You will consider the ways science can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuel plants to provide energy for the future.
5) Super Computing Course
Discover how super computing works and the real life scientific breakthroughs made possible by todays
computer simulations .Learn all about how engineering and computer simulation are powerful tools in the
world in this online course .
6) Engineering The Future: Creating The Amazing Course
Learn all about the fascinating world of engineering & the impact of modern engineering on a diverse range
of industries across the globe from health care to artificial intelligence. This online course will look at virtual
reality and how it is applied to entertainment and how AI robots will impact our technological future .This &
much more on the amazing future of engineering for technological advancement .
7)Principles Of Engineering Course
Gain a fascinating introduction to engineering principles & learn all about key engineering skills processes
and technologies .Learn all about modern technology and engineering through a combination of videos
articles and mini projects and you will also explore the role of engineers in society and follow an engineer
through a typical working day to gain practical experience in learning as well.
8)AI Ethics & Societal Change Course
Aritificial intelligence ethics and societal change is a 4 week course that explores ethical & societal aspects
of this increasing use of artificial intelligence ( AI). The aim of the course is to raise awareness of ethical &
societal aspects of AI and to stimulate reflection & discussion upon implications of the use of AI in society
9)Introduction To Forensic Science Course
We have all seen forensic scientists on TV shows but how do they really work? What is the science behind
their work? This online course aims to explain the scientific principles and techniques behind the work of forensic scientists. We will look at case studies from Singapore and across the globe. Plus we will answer
all your question such as how did forensics come about ? and can these methods be used for non criminal
methods ?
10) Plant Development Biology Course
Gain insight into the mechanisms underlying the functions of plant growth and development in this online
course. This course will introduce you to the process by which plant structures originate and mature as a plant grows. Expand your knowledge of the function and regulation of transcription factors involved in root
apical meristem , shoot apical meristem and stem cell maintenance in this online course.
Stage 3
1)Biological Psychology Course
This online course looks into the link between behaviour and human biology. Learn how genes and the environment influence our behaviour. Improve your scientific skills and explore the fascinating area of biological psychology and the role of genes ,and the nervous system ,brain and spinal chord in determining our psychology and behaviour.
2)Emotional Intelligence At Work Course
Explore how emotional intelligence helps to understand ourselves and others resolve conflict and build better relationships. Also learn about how traits ,abilities and mixed models affect emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence intervention, in this online course .
3)Good Brain, Bad brain Course
Explore key concepts of the brain in action with this online course .Introducing key concepts of the human brain looking into key brain disorders and pathologies and neuro biology , and neuro therapies and developments. Looking into all key stages of brain development.
4) The Human Microbiome Course
This course will cover knowledge in the science of the microbiome in relation to the human gut. Discover what the microbiome is, how it changes throughout your life , and the role it plays in good health. On this course you will go through a learning journey into the human body. It will explore how your microbiome changes throughout your life, and reflect on the role of food and micro biome in the gut. It will also explain the functions of the microbiome in the GI tract in every day life. Learn about the science of the human microbiome in the gut .
5) Discovering Science & Atmospheric Chemistry Course
Learn all about the earth and other planets in and beyond our solar system ,by studying the atmospheres
chemistry in this online course. This course will look at the chemistry of atmospheric pollution ,the role of
radiation & greenhouse gases in atmospheric chemistry & the evolution of technology in space exploration
and the control of planetary atmospheres for a habitable planet.
6)Frontier Physics & Future Technology Course
On this online course you will discover how physics explains & shapes the world we live in. The course will
investigate the nature of plasma and explore the applications of astrophysics ,fusion energy and propulsion
of space craft and the fundamental role of physics in solving major societal problems & how fusion energy
can be used for medical diagnostics in the future.
7)Data Driven Decision Making Course
Learn how to develop your own interactive dashboard that tells a data driven story.On this online course you will work through practical programming exercises in R language to learn the process of tidying, harvesting and wrangling data and apply statistical materials to stimulate complex functions that solve a
broad range of problems. An advanced lesson in data driven decision making.
8)Health Information Technology Course
This online course will provide an over view of the health IT eco system with a specfic focus on the role of
electronic health records ( EHR's) You will be introduced to the factors that contributed to the move from paper records in health care and we will go over electronic health care documentation capabilities and
how it improves patient scheduling and in patient admissions. An in depth course in health information
9)Astrobiology Exploring Other Worlds Course
How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? This is what we will be exploring on this online course. We will explore the field of astrobiology , an emerging multidisciplinary field.The topics
in this online course range from the science of the exoplanets to the chemistry that supports the argument
that the ingredients for life are common in the universe.
10) Developmental Biology Course
This online course investigates the origins of life and establishes how humans and animals are formed. Why
are some people taller,thinner or a different colour?We answer such questions & delve into developmental
biology and its role in driving medicine. This course suits anyone who is fascinated with life science and can
help medical students to understand the biological foundations of their field.
Payment Options
1)Premium Payment Option
Choose from the list of bespoke advanced courses listed above (in all 3 stages of -The Sciences learners path journey )and make your own individual learners path based on which sections of the path are appropriate to you as an individual ,small group or company .POA dependant on numbers and choice of learners path.
2)Full Customisation
The ultimate learning experience with a list of custom ( made for you) courses eg-tailored online course packages made and created individually to you ,based on your requirements eg- not on the learners path list but tailor made for yourself as required .POA dependant on content and number of courses required and number of students.
3)One Off Purchases
Choose to not follow the path but- add as you go- eg=purchase individual courses on the learners path list without committing to the full path .All course achievements will be logged on an individual learners profile to complete your full learners path at a later date .POA dependant on course purchased at each stage.
*Enquire for more information and pricing at 07875086760 or