Advanced Learner Loan
As part of the Body Coach Fitness Global Education college you can also apply for an advanced learner loan
providing a flexible way for students over the age of 19 years of age to pay for "The full learners path course
fees" Credit checks will apply and all applications are dependant on income and benefit allowances . The
advanced learner loan is only available to students following the " Full learners path journey in your chosen
subject area " In order to qualify for a loan you will need to meet certain criteria which will be explained to
you before the loan application process. You will have to live within the UK as a permanent resident and be
of UK national settled status .
How To Apply
To apply for a advanced learner loan for the "Full learners path course journey of your choice "you will need
to contact the college to book a learners path course journey and let the course advisor know that you are
interested in applying for an advanced learner loan .You will then be asked to pay a deposit and this will be
refunded upon receipt of full funding .The loan advisor will arrange for a " Learning and funding information letter" to be sent to you and after this you can register and apply for a loan. If you need to send evidence to support your application you will need to fill in the evidence return form. You will receive a letter to confirm your loan usually within two weeks if you apply online and postal applications may take up to twenty one days .
*To apply for an advanced learner loan contact us at or 07875086760 *