Strategic Partnership
Are you interested in a strategic partnership with Body Coach Fitness Global Education .If you have a shared
vision with us for a passion for lifelong learning and are interested in offering courses through our learning portal please contact us for this business opportunity. Joining forces could deliver a significant increase in
value to the marketplace .This is an ideal opportunity for new or established course providers to offer your
courses through a trusted professional brand, without capitol expenditure of setting up your own college
learning portal and marketing and advertising costs incurred.
Business Opportunity Application
Please provide an over view and description of the proposed business relationship , including your business
target market and your own business distribution channels and explain why your company has specifically
chosen Body Coach Fitness Global Education as your strategic learning provider business partner. Please also provide any pertinent information which might assist in evaluating your proposed business offering &
partnership.( Please allow 4-6 weeks for proposal evaluation)
*Please contact for an application form at or 07875086760*