Your Body Coach Fitness learners pathway will be jointly created between your self ( the learner) and the academy .To ensure your individual learners plan meets your individual learning needs and goals. You will be able to choose from a selection of bespoke courses and master classes in all 3 stages of the learners path (below) for your " perfect performance learners journey " . All learners path's will be different and the choice of innovative interactive courses at each stage of the learners path will ensure you are able to really achieve ultimate success in your learning and career goal pursuits. Follow the Body Coach Fitness Global Education Performance learners path to ultimate success in your field of study/work.
Three Stage Learners Path
Stage 1
1)Performance Analysis Course-
Performance analysis is a specialist discipline involving systematic observations to enhance performance and improve decision making in sport. This discipline focuses and enhances interventions within the new coaching process. This online course will include- How to model and measure actual demands it takes to win. An explanation of the four part delivery model -Capture, Code, Analysis & Feed back, and how to perform a detailed post event analysis and what EIS performance analysis systems to use for perform analysis eg Dartfish analysis systems and how to understand the principles of skill aquisition .
2) Performance Lifestyle Course -
Performance lifestyle exists to ensure there is an appropriate balance between pursuit of performance excellence and the care of the performer themselves. The high performance environment is stressful so it is important for athletes to be looked after and to carry out performance lifestyle planning. This online course will teach you how to create a suitable performance lifestyle to enhance and influence the performance system. It will teach performance lifestyle values to follow such as - Integrity, trust, adaptability, caring and self care .An individual coaching system and mentoring service based on a world class program.
3)Sports Physiology Course -
Sports physiology is the study of how exercise affects s the function and structure of the body. A sports physiologist seeks to understand the physiological demands of the sporting performance , which informs what characteristics an athlete should have to be successful. A robust model of performance can be jointly developed by a physiologist and this online course will explain the benefits of their involvement in sports performance coaching and a multi disciplinary team .It will explain the complex environment of elite sport and the scientific integrity and feasibility of delivery of important skill sets and performance .
4) Speed For Sport Course
Learn the most effective way to increase straight line speed for sport and how to train to elite level as an athlete with a proven system to break through training plateaus .This online course with help you learn how to increase your top line speed for sports and every day life with effective training principles and proven methods.
5) Fuel For Endurance Sport Course
This online course will familiarise yourself with endurance and ultra endurance sports & the energy systems that are involved. As well as general nutrition strategies that need to be implemented as athletes. Looking specifically into carbohydrate intake energy systems and sports drinks for fuel. An ideal introduction to this
6)Mental Toughness For Sports Performance Course
In this online course you will delve into the importance of developing mental toughness for better quality
sports performance. You will also learn the true definition of what mental toughness means & how it helps
create a winner/champion .Learn how to up your game to the next level on this online course. A full & clear
introduction into how to create a winning mind set and mental toughness for your sport.
7)Body Mapping Explained Course
This online course will outline all about a method callled body mapping.Explaining all about our functional
anatomy for every day life and sports.This online course will reveal the five layers -see, feel, map,move and
memorise and how to embed this learning & skills into every day life and sports. It is an ideal introduction
to body mapping for sports coaches and their athletes to explain in full all about their functional anatomy
8)Sports Conditioning Course
This online course will teach you all about sports conditioning, and how to train for your individual sports
to achieve optimal sports conditioning and performance.It will also provide all the nutritional advisory you will need to acheive this and all the coaching /training strategies you will need to achieve optimal sports
performance .An ideal introduction to individualised sports conditioning for optimal performance.
9)Sports Injuries Course
On this online course you will learn all about sports injuries from industry experts. You will get some expert
opinions about the best practices to solve sporting injuries. You will gain valuable skills to deal with sports
injuries and learn professional tips to master sports injuries. You will gain a certificate of completion after
you complete all modules of this course
10) Trigger Point Therapy Course
This online course in trigger point therapy will cover all abaout trigger points and what they are and how to
treat them. You will learn commonly worked muscles ,their pain referal patterns and how to find them and
learn how to develop hands on skills and techniques and all about overuse syndrome and how we can help
clients with trigger point therapy .An ideal introduction to this sports therapy technique.
Stage 2
1) Sports Nutrition Course -
This online course explains the real power of food ensuring every athlete eats well for their performance and competitive advantage. All athletes are looking to ensure their biochemistry of their body is balanced and finely tuned for athletic performance. This online course is developed by over 5 experts in the field of sports nutrition and will give an in depth base of knowledge in this subject .It will include how you can build an effective relationship with food as an athlete to influence a positive experience for better power and sports performance .
2) Strength & Conditioning Coaching Course
A strength & conditioning coach is a very important part of a sports performance team looking after an athlete . This course will explain their role in physical and physiological preparation for sports and delivery of coaching programs and post exercise analysis and identifying specific sports performance outcomes. This online course will include a strategy to follow for maximum performance impact eg The 3 pillars- Testing, Monitoring & Planning/Programming and explain the importance of an appropriate climate and culture aligned to their sport to maximise adaptions .Plans can then be adapted and specifically tailored to their adaptions required and maximal in strength and conditioning coaching .
3)Sports Psychology Course-
The aim of a sports psychologist is to help athletes to prepare psychologically for the demands of tough competition and training. This online course will help facilitate the creation of a psychologically prepared , underpinned and suitable high performance environment that develops the person as well as the athlete within. It will also include 10 guiding principles to follow including- Personal values, psychological safety, unique strength analysis , optimism , the performance culture ,shared understanding and the language to provide consistent communications and powerful experiences and reflection on learning's for personal athletic growth and better sports performance .
4)Calisthenics Fundamentals For Performance Course
Learn how to incorporate calisthenics and body weight training into your training for better performance in sports and every day life. Learn basic techniques .If you need to improve your relative strength then body calisthenics could be for you. This course will lay the foundation of effective body weight training , learn how calisthenics can aid in flexibility ,strength ,stability and confidence issues.
5)An Introduction To EMS Course
In this online course you will be introduced to electrical muscle stimulation ( EMS) therapy or whole body training .With an in depth analysis of how EMS can help with overall sports performance .Plus different EMS
training suits available and an introduction to EMS training programmes. An interesting researched method
of whole body training used to improve physical and athletic performance.
6)The Emotional,Cognitive & Physical Demands Of Sport Course
In this online course we explain the in's and out's of the emotional,cognitive & physical demands on an
athlete .You will also learn all about the social complexities involved in sport and the incredible emotional
control which is needed to perform well in your sport. An ideal course for athletes or sports enthusiasts that
are looking to improve sports performance.
7)Hormonal Effects In Competitive Sports Course
In this online course we will explain the female athlete triad and what it is & the effects it has on the female
competitive athletes body and sports performance. You will learn all about the hormones involved and the full effects on the body and its response to exercise .An ideal introductory online course in this subject and
ideal for any competitive female sports athlete looking for the competitive edge.
8)Metabolic Training For Sports Course
This online course will cover in depth lessons and modules in metabolic training for sports. It will cover the
importance of metabolic training and how to optimise it , as well as how to use interval training in your
sports exercise programme.This course also contains a question and answer quiz section covering all key concepts learn't in the course offering a informative digital course in metabolic training for sports.
9)Life Lessons From Sports
This exciting course will teach you lessons that you can learn from sports like soccor , baseball and others
which you can apply to real life situations. Anyone who loves sports and would like to discover something
new to improve their lives will find this online course beneficial and exciting .You will receive certification
on completion of this online course.
10) Myofascial Cupping Course
In this online course in myofascial cupping you will learn all about myofascial release techniques , hygiene
and safe keeping of myofascial cups , the application and safe use of cups, learning how to use the cups as
a static slide technqiue as well as introducing soft tissue release and active movements as well Looking at
incorpoarting cupping into your sports massage routine.
Stage 3
1) Sports Medicine Course -
Sports medicine is a branch of medical professional which focuses on MSK diagnosis and treatment for prescribing exercise for recovery and team care and it involves medical treatment for injury in sport. This online course will explain the sports performance impact of applied sports medicine and how it enhances sports performance . It will explain how to identify and support injury prevention in sports without actually impairing sports performance and how to reduce time lost through injury by understanding training loads and factors which make injury and illness more likely and how sports medicine can positively impact elite athletes in sports.
2) Sports Biomechanics Course-
Biomechanics studies the mechanical parameters of human motion. In sports this can help improve real performance and prevent injury by means of optimising movement patterns. This online course will explain all the elements which have to be considered such as movement patterns, aero dynamics, environment , and the athletes interactions with the ground and ergonomics of equipment to optimise performance positions .Plus how to put it all together and understand the athletes response to these biomechanical factors. It will also explain customised tech theories and practices based on sound scientific principles and how to identify weaknesses and strengths of the athletes biomechanics .An ideal advanced introduction to sports biomechanics .
3) Physiotherapy & Soft Tissue Therapy Course-
Sports physio's and therapists are an important part of the multi disciplinary sports team. They play an important part in improving the athletes sports performance . This course will explain how to identify the need for a physio and sports therapist in your training and identify and understand problems and real time performance outcomes and how collaboration with the sports coach will benefit the athlete & much more. An advanced introduction to this important part of multi disciplinary sports team .
4) Programming For Athletes Course
On this online course learn how to train like an elite athlete to get to the pinnacle of performance. This will cover an athlete based program with effective preparation warm ups, periodisation training, training variables and exercise progressions for best results. An advanced athlete program guideline to work from .
5)Motivational Interviewing & Peak Sports Performance Course
This online course will review the key stages of change process of (MI )Motivational interviewing to adopt for sports client management .To improve athletes sports psychology ,thought processes and increase motivational change in their sports performance . A course for coaches looking into implementing MI into their coaching programmes.
6)Mental Imagery For Improved Sports Performance Course
Humans are paradoxical beings, better performance stems from a variety of components. Learn how to use
mental imagery with a 4 step imagery technique to help identify your goals and how to actually manifest
them in real life . Imagery is a learnable skill, learn how to tap into this skill set and use mind programming
on this online course to take control of your life and reach your sports performance goals.
7)Neuromuscular Training For Sports
In this online course you will learn all about neuromuscular training for sports and how it effects the bodies
central nervous system .Plus all the common mistakes you can make and all about neuromuscular sports
training and how you can effectively implement this into your sports training .An advanced online course in
the interesting subject of neuromuscular training for sports ,incuding practical programming .
8)Speed & Agility Course
The ability to change speed and direction of movement and react to stimuli is often the difference between
injury and safety in sports. Improving speed, during change of direction and reaction time is possible with
proper training & this online course will teach you all about how to achieve this safely.An advanced course
in speed agility and quickness training for sports.
9)Physical Education Coaching Styles & Techniques Course
This online course on physical education teaches you about the different coaching styles & all the coaching
techniques .Coaching helps people achieve their personal best & produces the results they are looking for
In this online course you will learn about how to improve team performance , the role of the coach as well
as elements that make up a professional coaching routine.
10)MET Muscle Energy Techniques Course
In this online course you will learn all about how to apply muscle energy techniques in your sports therapy
routine. You will learn all about the application techniques to the lower body and the upper body. We will
look into any contraindications for this technique and the benefits of using MET for improved performance
in sports. An in depth course in the application methods of this technique.
Payment Options
1)Premium Payment Option-
Choose from the list of bespoke advanced courses listed above ( in all 3 stages of learners path of the performance learners journey) and make your own individual learners path based on which sections of the path are appropriate to you as an individual, small group or company .POA dependent on numbers and choice of course path.
2) Full Customisation-
The ultimate learning experience -with a list of custom ( made for you) courses eg tailored online course package made and created individually to you only based on your requirements eg not on the learners path list but tailor made for yourself as required .POA dependent on content and number of courses required and number of students.
3) One Off Purchase-
Choose to not follow the path but-add as you go- eg purchase individual courses on the learners path list without committing to the full path.( All course achievements will be logged on an individual learners profile to complete your full learners path at a later date.POA a dependent on course purchased at each stage .
*Enquire for information and pricing at Sharon Clare at 07875086760 or*