Your Body Coach Fitness Global learners pathway will be jointly created between yourself ( the learner) and the academy .To ensure your individual learners plan meets your individual learning needs and goals. You will be able to choose from a selection of bespoke courses and master classes in all 3 stages of the learners path ( below) for your " perfect preventative medicine learners journey" .All learners path's will be different and the choice of innovative interactive courses at each stage of the learners path will ensure you are able to achieve ultimate success in your learning and career goal pursuits. Follow the Body Coach Fitness Global Education preventative medicine learners path to ultimate success in your field of study/work.
Three Stage Learners Path
Stage 1
1) E Health Technology Course
E health technology improves wellbeing, health and healthcare. On this online course learn how we can change behaviour with technology and combine tech and healthcare. Improving health skills to improve self care ,preventative care and societed health.
2) Heart Health Course
Learn more about how the heart works and the causes of heart disease and how to prevent heart disease and other cardiovascular disease. This course will outline heart disease risk factors and health prevention strategies ,plus much more. An ideal introduction to knowledge in heart health,
3) Application Of Digital Health Course
This online course outlines how digital health applications can be used as preventative health strategies Focusing on digital apps ,medical technologies and innovations on mobile. Used for preventing high stress levels and improving cognition and alleviating pain.
4) Measuring & Valuing Health Course
Learn how patient reported outcome measures and quality adjusted life years can compare treatments and inform health spending .On this course you will learn how health outcome measuring can help as to make more informed decisions about where to spend our limited healthcare budgets and aid in preventative health initiatives.
5) Understanding Brain Health & Preventing Dementia Course
Learn how early detection and protecting brain health can help to reduce the risk of brain disease that can
lead to dementia. You will learn all about how we can predict and detect brain disease early by managing
personal risk factors and it will also cover early intervention preventative measures to improve brain health
to prevent dementia.
6)Preventing & Managing Infections In Children Course
In this online course you will learn how to identify the spread of infectious diseases in chidren. Microbes
live every where especially in child care settings and this online course will look at how microbes spread
on unclean surfaces and in community settings. You will also learn about vaccination techniques to help
prevent the spread of infections in children and antibiotic medications that can be taken to prevent and
manage the spread of infectious diseases in chidren across the globe.
7)Preventative Medicine :Exercise & The Environment Course
This online course offers a detailed explanation into how active we are in our environments in which we live and how this can impact on our own health and life span. Drawing upon sustained world leading research in this topic you will gain a deeper undertstanding of the science behind the interaction of physical activity &
th environment with lifestyle health and well-being.
8)Population Health Predictive Analytics Course
Predictive analytics has a long standing relationship and tradition with preventative medicine. This online course is all about developing better prediction models as a critical step in the pursuit of all preventative
health care. This online course will look at key concepts on modelling issues such as missing values , non
linear relationships and model selection. You will also learn all about performance measures and assessing both internal and external validity in predictive health analytics.
9) Health Concepts Of Chinese Medicine Course
Chinese medicine and modern medicine are two distinct medical systems , yet they both aim at prevention
& treatment of human diseases. With this in mind we should understand the practice of chinese medicine
in the context of modern medicine. By the end of this course you will be able to state important medical
literature from the 5th century BC to 16h century AD and describe and interpret basic chinese medicine
theories such as the balance between yin and yang and you will also learn about chinese medical herbs
10) Cardiovascular Preventative Medicine Course
Preventative cardiovascular medicine is a rapidly evolving branch of medicine involved in the prevention of
cardiovascular diseases. This online course is designed to be practical and clinically focused and will focus
on applying scientific principles to direct patient care. After this online course you will be able to deliver a full management strategy for the investigation and treatment of patients at increased cardiovascular risk
Stage 2
1 )AI Artificial Intelligence & Health Course
This online course will explore the innovation of artificial intelligence in preventative medicine , exploring the challenges and opportunities it brings .For example why we might need AI and the issues it may cause such as whether AI is dehumanising healthcare and how to improve preventative medicine with AI.
2)Causes Of Human Disease & Preventative Health Course
On this online course you will explore nutritional and environmental factors such as toxins influencing your chance of developing human disease . Focusing on malnutrition and obesity and how these contribute to the development of diseases ,such as diabetes and exploring environmental factors such as air pollution and its contribution to disease plus preventative strategies for these causative factors. Plus all the protective qualities of specific diets for preventative health.
3)Nutrition & Disease Prevention Course
Learn about the relationship between diet and disease and the role a nutrient rich diet can play in disease prevention and preventative health. Looking into the latest research studies to consider how poor nutrition can lead to ill health and what we eat can help to prevent the onset of common diseases which can occur.
4) The Internet Of Things For Preventative Aging Course
In this online course you will learn about the internet of things and how it can help people age well. The internet of things includes many new digital health technologies from apps to wearable devices to home sensor devices that are expected to revolutionise preventative aging .Learn all about this and much more for preventative aging .
5)Disease Out Break Prevention Course
Discover how we should react to viral out breaks & how we can take part in disease prevention techniques to prevent pandemics In response to societies risks on this online course .This will cover information on all
eventualities of disease out breaks and guided prevention strategies.
6) Covid 19 Diagnostics & Prevention Testing Course
This online course will look at identifying diagnostics for covid 19 testing. Helping you develop knowledge
in the global recommendations and use of covid 19 diagnostic testing and other strategies surrounding this.
Discover the latest recommendations on covid 19 testing & how best to deploy them in this online course.
7)Medical Cannabis & CBD Oil Course
This interesting insightful course will invite you to really get to know the cannabis plant and its constituents
and the increasingly popular CBD oil associated with this which is used for preventative medicinal purposes
CBD oil is a form of non illegal cannabis from the cannabis plant used for medical treatment and we will
cover all the health benefits of this plant and much more on this online course.
8)Preventative Health Care For New Born Babies Course
In this online course you will learn all about medical interventions and skills to keep new borns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born into this world. We will also introduce screening tests like
hearing screens & new born blood screening that will help to make sure that babies are set up for success
right from the start. Whether you are in the health care field or an expectant mother this educational offer
will give you all the information you need for a new borns healthy success .
9)Prevent Dementia & Improve Mental Health Course
On this online course you will learn all about preventing dementia and improving mental health the course
offers simple but effective strategies in how to increase brain activity and productivity & prevent any brain
decline & memory disorders. This course will also help those who care for people with Alzheimers disease
or other dementias and will help promote a more active and concious life for them.
10) Become A Family Physician Course
Preventative medicine is probably the most important job of a family physician . This course will teach you
about the many guidelines for health prevention and the best actions you can take to help protect all of your patients. This course will give you all the information you need to know about being a preventative
family practitioner and how to get involved in this worthwhile career pathway.
Stage 3
1)Super Aged Society Course
Learn about the new " Super aged society" and the concept of healthy aging and preventative health. Plus the mechanisms of healthy longevity from a scientific perspective . For example how to prevent decline and function during aging and when it occurs and various preventative physical activity concepts for a super aged society.
2) Exercise Prescription For the Prevention & Treatment Of Disease Course
Discover how physical activity and exercise can help people to prevent disease , including people with cardiovascular ,mental health and cancer .This online course will give you ideas and physical activity tools for prescriptive exercise methods alongside and medical treatment you require.
3)Food As Medicine Course
Explore the role of food in health. Learn nutritional science on using food as medicine for you and your family. It will cover the history of food as medicine and its role in prevention and treatment .Plus about macro nutrients, micro nutrients ,phyto chemicals . anti oxidants and nutrition complexities and controversies about genomes in food , and how food can be used as preventative medicine.
4) The Power Of Health & Social Care Data In Preventative Medicine
Discover the power of data for individuals and organizations working in health and social care. Harness the power of data to improve health and social care services. Using data can be a powerful tool in health and social care. On this course you will discover the principles of healthcare data analytics and how they can be used to develop new sources ,influence strategies ,inform budget decisions and optimize processes and policy.
5)Public Health Prevention Strategies For Disease
Explore new approaches to public health promotion & the science that under pins them in this new online
course .It will cover guidelines on public health promotion strategies and all the governance surrounding it.
An ideal course for delving into public health promotion strategy development for prevention of disease in
the community.
6) The Role Of Diagnostics In Anti Microbial Resistance Response Course
On this online course we will look at varieties of resistant bacteria and learn what to do about them. By the
end of this online course you will possess awareness of anti microbial resistance and what causes it and
a detailed understanding of how diagnostics can be used to study this. An advanced look into this subject
area .
7)What is Preventative Medicine Course
This online course fully explains what preventative medicine is and refers to it as the prevention of death or
disease by taking precautions to avert the disease.Prevention can be as a community,as a whole or as a
individual .This online course is research based and you will learn all about preventative medicine in this
advanced online course via many different learning formats including ,videos and online resources.
8)Disease Screening In Public Health Course
In this online course you will learn all about public health screening & how it is used in preventative cases
in medicine .Public health has an important mandate to critically assess the promises and pitfalls. This
MOOC will help you understand important concepts for screening programmes.
9)Preventative Health Prescriptions Course
This online course will delve into preventative medicine and preventative prescriptions as an intervention
tool for illness. We will look at all aspects of this and you will learn important information concerning this subject.An advanced look into preventative medicine.You will also receive a certificate of completion with
this online course to include in your CPD record of acheivement .
10)All About Preventative Medicine Course
Preventative medicine refers to the prevention of disease or death by taking precautions to avert all of the
disease. This course will give you advanced knowledge in this field of medicine. It will include case studies
of practitioners in this field explaining their expertise and all about the importance of this field of medicine
so you can get involved in this valuable field of medicine across the globe.
Payment Options
1)Premium Payment Option
Choose from the list of bespoke advanced courses listed above ( in all 3 stages of the preventative learners path) and make your own individual learners path based on which sections of the path are appropriate to you as an individual , small group or company .POA dependent on numbers and choice of course path.
2)Full Customization
The ultimate learning experience with a list of custom ( made for you) courses eg-tailored online course packages made and created individually to you only based on your requirements eg- not on the learners path list but tailor made for yourself as required .POA dependant on content and number of courses required and number of students .
3)One Off Purchases
Choose to not follow the path but- add as you go- eg-purchase individual courses on the learners path list without committing to the full path. All course achievements will be logged on an individual learner profile to complete your full learners path at a later date .POA dependant on course purchased at each stage.
*Enquire for more information and pricing at 07875086760 and *